Wasps General Information
Wasps are most active in the summer months, and if you disturb them or they feel threatened, they can be aggressive.
Wasps build their nest from saliva mixed with dried timber and chewed bark which results in a beige/light grey colour construction with a papery like appearance.
Wasp nests may be suspended from trees, nest boxes, rafters in attic spaces, garden sheds, cavity walls, and are sometimes formed underground.
Flies General Information
There are numerous types of flies e.g. Common housefly, Cluster fly, Horse flies. It is usually the Cluster fly which causes the most nuisance with their ability to build up huge numbers in winter months when they “hibernate” in buildings in their hundreds or thousands. Generally, but not exclusively, they originate in attic spaces.
Eastern Pest Control are well aware of the stress and cost this causes and we can offer the highest standard and most cost-effective solution available – usually the same day!
Ants General Information and Extermination
Ants are pests that can cause economic damage and health problems.
Most ant species do not cause harm to humans, and some are even beneficial to the environment, for their essential pollinator role, seed disperser, and predator of other pests.
However, some species affect humans in different ways by contaminating food or surgical instruments in hospitals by nesting on grass or other structures such as small gardens, plant roots, tree trunks or decks, feeding on fruits or plants and especially by invading our houses to “steal” food.
Cockroaches General Information
Cockroaches are hazardous to human health, renowned for carrying diseases including salmonella they can also cause extensive damage to food/food products. There are two main species of cockroaches in Ireland; these are the Oriental cockroach and the German cockroach. The German cockroach is the most common cockroach, they are good climbers and are able to climb vertical glass or tiled surfaces. They are found throughout buildings but prefer warm humid areas. Identification of the species is imperative in the control of cockroaches.
Bedbugs General Information
Bedbugs are small wingless insects that feed solely upon the blood of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Bedbugs seek out people and animals, generally at night while their hosts are asleep, and painlessly sip a few drops of blood.
Eastern Pest Control are well aware of the stress and cost this causes and we can offer the highest standard and most cost-effective solution available – usually the same day!
Spiders General Information
The large size of the house spider makes them unwelcome visitors in domestic dwellings however they do not represent a hazard to humans.
The false widow spider is actually part of the same family as the black widow spider, though nowhere near as dangerous and toxic.
Fleas General Information
Although dogs and cats are the preferred hosts for the most common type of fleas, they are capable of feeding on humans. The distress caused by the bites can be considerable.
Eastern Pest Control are well aware of the stress and cost this causes and we can offer the highest standard and most cost-effective solution available – usually the same day!
Silver Fish General Information
Silverfish are nocturnal in habit and tend to hide during the day therefore infestations may go unnoticed for a considerable length of time. They survive in a damp environment and feed on mold growth.
Eastern Pest Control are well aware of the stress and cost this causes and we can offer the highest standard and most cost-effective solution available – usually the same day!
Moths General Information
The clothes moth is a significant pest, the larvae feeding on a wide variety of material of animal origin e.g. woolens, furs, etc. Damage from larval feeding can be severe and the larvae are often difficult to detect since they shun the light.
Eastern Pest Control are well aware of the stress and cost this causes and we can offer the highest standard and most cost-effective solution available – usually the same day!
Carpet Beetles General Information
The larvae can be destructive pests of woolen materials, furs, leather and carpets. Damage can also occur to furniture where there are fabrics and materials of animal origin used. Occasionally stored food products are attacked.
Eastern Pest Control are well aware of the stress and cost this causes and we can offer the highest standard and most cost-effective solution available – usually the same day!
Mosquitoes General information
The mosquitoes that are encountered within Ireland do not transmit any serious diseases however in some cases there can be a severe reaction and secondary infection may result in quite significant wounds.
Eastern Pest Control are well aware of the stress and cost this causes and we can offer the highest standard and most cost-effective solution available – usually the same day!
Different Species of Insects
There are thousands of different species of Insect Pestflies including Ants, Flying, Crawling, Mites and other ‘Creepy Crawlies’ some spread disease and others may damage your property not to mention the cost, inconvenience and distress they may cause.